Grooming young minds to become future engineers!
IESL Talk to School by Young Members Section
By ESL Young Members Section – Editorial Sub Committee 2020/21
Starting a few years back, 'Talk to School' was an initiative by the Young Members Section of the IESL to neature school children in engineering and various socio, economic aspects of the society. Conducted with the collaboration of University Chapters, 'Talk to School' does not only focus schools located in the capital but also schools located in rural areas.
YMS has conducted two Talk to School Programs during the month of April 2021.
Talk to School - Pahala Walahapitiya Dharmaraja Vidyalaya, Naththandiya
"Education is our passport to the future. Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X
Talk to school program is one of the major programs of IESL YMS with the aim of guiding school students and sharing engineering experts' ideas to school students in the engineering field. The second Young Members Section ``Talk to School" program for the year 2021 was held at Pahala Walahapitiya Dharmaraja Vidyalaya, Naththandiya on 30th March in collaboration with IESL Wayamba Chapter and IESL Student Chapter University of Sri Jayawardenapura.
The event was a great success as per the inspirational and moving speeches delivered by the young and talented engineers from the engineering field. The students were motivated to inculcate new habits and practices towards the positivity and success of their lives. The presentations also aimed at making awareness on Energy Management and Water and Environment Conservation.
The keynote speeches were done by talented young engineers in the areas of Engineer's role in the society, water and energy management, setting and achieving goals. Eng. Buddhika Meththasena, Eng. Kusal Manamperi, Eng. Thilina Dissanayake and Mr. Srimal Herath shared their experience and knowledge with the students.
Young Members Section donated a Photocopy Machine to the School
The IESL Student Chapter of University of Sri Jayewardanapura conducted few interactive sessions with the students. They conducted an IQ test session for the students, and the contest winners of the quiz were given special prizes. IESL YMS donated a photocopy machine to the school with the aim of helping the students and teachers. We would like to thank all the members who gave their immense support to succeed this talk to school program.
Talk to School - Nagoda Royal College, Galle
IESL Young Members Section (YMS) conducted the third "Talk to School" program for the Year 2021 with the support of the IESL Ruhuna Chapter and the IESL - Ruhuna Engineering Students' Chapter of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna. This program aims to build a better future generation; hence it comprises influential speeches for creating their future goals. The third program was completed on 06th April 2021 at G/Nagoda Royal College, Galle.
The program was started by lighting the oil lamp, and the welcome speech was done by the Vice Principal of the School, Ven. Gammaddegoda Padumajothi Thero. The program was started by Eng. Hemaka Lakmal explaining the purpose of the program. As the APEX body for the engineering profession in Sri Lanka, IESL needs to educate young students about the importance and the role of an Engineer in society. This program was done by Eng. Janaka Gamachchige and it gave a kick start for the program and greatly helpful for the students to identify who we are and the importance of the rest of the program. The third speech was conducted by Eng. Ms. Lakmali Karunanayake about energy management and electrical power in the world and as engineers how we can help to make a greener world.
Engineering undergraduates of the University of Ruhuna performed their aesthetic talents and entertained the gathering. Eng Thilina Dissanayake conducted a session related to personality development, attitude building, and leadership. It surely encourages school students and helping to build a positive attitude towards their education and life goals. Then Mr. Imanthaka Madushanka who is an undergraduate of the University of Ruhuna shares his university and life experience.
Eng. Nadun Wickramanayake conducted a speech related to Water and Environment. Mr. Asanka Madushan and the YMS Chairman Eng. Damith Dissanayake conducted sessions on Advance Level Examination and the financial, social, and other issues which badly affect the education of the students and how they can overcome those problems and succeed in their future goals.
University undergraduates conducted an IQ test for the students, and gifts were given to the students who have shown their talents. Finally, Mr. Pubudu Sampath of G/Nagoda Royal College appreciated IESL and the IESL YMS for the Talk to School program and selecting their school and sharing our experience with them. IESL YMS would like to appreciate the support and cooperation extended by the principal of the Nagoda Royal College and a special token of appreciation was given by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. We appreciate the immense service of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka to fulfill their social responsibilities as Engineers to create a better future for the next generation.
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